Hi all,
A bunch of you are probably wondering how our month-long sale went and if we achieved our goals. I'm not sure I'd say it was a complete success, neither would I call it a failure. We have still have over $10K in debt, but it also feels like we are finally making progress. Ah well, these things certainly cannot be solved overnight, but will continue to take time, and so long as continued progress is made we will get there eventually :).
There is one point we need to work on, and I haven't quite decided on a solution yet. During a sale, we get customers who order 200+ bulk commons and uncommons, and at our previous prices, lost us money on the spot. Usually taking a few hours to pull out everything. With our increased prices, we are coming closer to breaking even, but it is still far from ideal.
One person, in giving feedback on these posts, asked for more tournament updates. I am not currently up to date with all the ongoing events in Christchurch, but I have been playing, and much enjoying, the Premodern Monthlies run by Toby Cooper at TCG Collectors. If the format sounds interesting to you, know that everyone who plays usually has 5-10 decks and is often happy to let you borrow one. Also, for the time being, proxies are allowed.
The other event, which you can find out more about by searching for it on Facebook, is the Invercargill Undy Hundy (competitive budget commander) is happening on Matariki weekend in June. Now, I often see competitive commander as having many problems, but in the case of the Undy Hundy's, it seems to continually run smoothly without a hitch and work successfully time and time and time again.
- Rose Willis