Your Bi-Weekly Update with Willis 21-11-2022.

Hi All,

Reminder Black Friday sale this weekend! 20% of all foils in the Instock Foils collection using code 20FOIL.

Sale starts 12am Friday morning (25th) and goes through until Midnight Monday night. (28th).

In order to stabilize a few financial issues it's likely that any foils that don't sell in this sale will be dumped elsewhere, so if there's anything you've had your eye on, now is the time!

Other than that, I've been drafting a lot of Brothers' War on MTG Arena. I've been posting some pics on the Facebook Page Somehow I managed to screw up and not get a pic of the Quietus Spike equiped to a Quietus Spike :(. I'll probably go into more detial on that next week. 

I'll see you all next week,

- Rose Willis

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