Hi all,
Firstly you will see that this is now in a new place, this will be where articles go up moving forward.
The first thing I want to talk about today is a bit off the path from Magic and that is the upcoming election. I won't spend too long talking on this, but I feel it's important to mention. Go out and Vote. Particularly if you want any of the Referendums to pass ( https://vote.nz/voting/get-ready-to-vote/about-the-referendums/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw5eX7BRDQARIsAMhYLP-ZC05b-Q2_yirXP7doBzM5ft_CGYUWwwzs4zIXGLKsSGi3kkgFZ-8aAsI9EALw_wcB )
One of the Referendums is about getting Cannabis to those who need it for pain relief and currently need to go through illegal channels to get it.
The second is about getting those who are terminally ill the ability to get assistance with being able to Euthanize within 6months of expected death and only at hospitals.
If you want either of these through, it's vital that you go and vote, because everyone in the older generation will be voting against these. I've talked to some of these people and the general consensus is that are worried about the potential slope we go down instead of just looking at what the Referendums are right now and how much good they can do.
Right, enough about Voting. I was away this past weekend in Paraparaumu, played some Legacy using MUD (A Chalice/Trinisphere deck that uses mana ramp like cloudpost/glimmerpost/vesuva, grim monolith/manifold key and metalworker to ramp into kuldoltha forgemaster and other high impact colourless cards while your opponent is locked out.)
Outside of that I did a bit of trading, mostly for cards on my wishlist, but there will be some new stuff entering the store soon.
As much as it was a work trip, I found it incredible relaxing. Back to the roots of what I love about this job, travel to events and catching up with customers. I almost forgot how much I love this part of the job between covid and all my paperwork so it was really good to get a reminder.
Here is this weeks wishlist offering 20% bonus on.
2 Death's Shadow Double Masters
Have a great week,
- Rose Willis
A reminder that we now have a foils mailing list. If you want to be on that list, please send me an email.
For those of you new here, please check out our Ban and Reprint Protection Policy ( https://magicatwillis.co.nz/pages/ban-and-reprint-protection-policy ).