Hi all,

I'm feeling somewhat better this week, so lets talk about Commander Legends. But first a couple of reminders.

I'm going to be in Wellington on Wednesday, and staying through to the following Monday. If you want anything on the store, but would prefer to trade for it than pay cash, you can order choosing pickup in person and bank transfer and then email either myself (willis.mtg@gmail.com) or David (davidharragan@gmail.com). We will bring those cards up with us and we can sort out a time to trade with you while we are in town :). The same applies for those of you in Dunedin for the week following as I will be in Dunedin Friday-Monday for the last weekend in November.

Secondly, we will be in Wellington when Commander Legends releases, so we will not be able to get singles onto the website until Monday. I apologize deeply about the inconvenience, our trip was planned a while ago.


So Commander Legends. I guess I should start with the big 2 elephants in the room. Jeweled Lotus and Opposition Agent.

Short versions, Opposition Agent I like, Jeweled Lotus I don't. I agree with Josh-Lee Kwai of The Command Zone on Jeweled Lotus. It's not too powerful, it's definitely not better than Sol Ring or Mana Crypt, but it doesn't lend itself towards fun and interactive games. Either it's a blank card, or it put's the player so far ahead that it's not really fun anymore.

Opposition Agent, I like a lot more. Firstly, it's not overpowered, it's not broken. If you can't deal with a 3/2 with no protection, then you really need to think about making changes to your Commander deck. It is powerful, and as someone who plays with people who play CEDH semi-regularly, I'm pretty sick of decks that are a couple of combos, some counters and a million tutors and fetch lands. Part of me wishes it was a may, so if someone's mana screwed you can let them ramp, but overall I hope it leads to more interesting deckbuilding than overloading your deck with tutors, and playing 7-10 fetches in your 2-colour decks. Should be fun to see :).

The rest of the set all seems really well done. A lot of commanders/cards for archetypes which are currently lacking in one area of another. And a lot of commanders/cards that create new archetypes altogether. None of the Commanders feel particularly overpowered and I feel the decision to make all of new partner commanders monocoloured is a good one.

I'm a bit gutted than Cabal Coffers didn't see a reprint. Is sitting around $100NZD now and could easily reach $100USD. An uncommon that has been printed once in 2000 and once in 2012, a card some consider a black auto-include. Needs a reprint really soon.

For my Monogreen Surrak Stompy deck, I'm really looking forward to Apex Devastator. SO MUCH CASCADE. I love it. With all the cascade in this set I was thinking about creating a The First Sliver EDH containing only cards with Cascade, but I don't think there's quite enough cascade cards yet. Getting close though.

I love the flavour on Krark, and I'd love to build a deck around Rograkh, though I'm currently looking for an idea that is not equipment based.

What about all of you, there's so many new cards and commanders in this set, what are you looking forward to building?

- Rose Willis

Here is this weeks wishlist offering 20% bonus on.

1 Gilded Drake


A reminder that we now have a foils mailing list. If you want to be on that list, please send me an email.


For those of you new here, please check out our Ban and Reprint Protection Policy ( https://magicatwillis.co.nz/pages/ban-and-reprint-protection-policy ).





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