Your Bi-Weekly Update with Willis 29-07-2024

Hi All,

Small update today as I got food poisoning and have been throwing my guts up all day. But I'm feeling a bit better right this minute and so here I am writing this.

A reminder we are in Invercargill this weekend for the Undy Hundy. We are going above and beyond to bring you what we can and our full team of 3. We really hope that if you've got some cards lingering in your folders that you don't want or cards you want to sell that you'll come and see us at Gamers United this weekend even if you aren't playing in the event itself. We are also sponsering the event, so there will be some cool foils given out to players on the day.

Last time I talked about the next Dunedin Modern/Legacy weekend. Dates are now confirmed. It's October 12th/13th, with the Saturday being a Modern RCQ, and the Sunday being Legacy for cash. First place will get $50 cash, upgraded to $100 if we hit 16 players and upgraded to $200 if we hit 24 players.

Right, that's all I have to talk about, see you in 2 weeks. I may start a business Instagram in that time, it's something I've been thinking about just to share draft decks and stories with each new set.

- Rose Willis

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