Your Bi-Weekly Update with Willis 04-09-2023

Hi All,

One of the harder things I find with this job is when I've bought a little too much stock (thanks Wilds of Eldraine) and I have to wait and see what orders come in to see if I can afford bills next week. You guys are great and orders always come through, but it's always mildly terrifying.

But that's not what I really want to talk about this week.

Dunedin players, after talking to Card Merchant it sounds as though there's a solid chance we don't get another big Modern/Legacy event this year. With that said, if you've been hoarding up cards to sell or trade us at that event it might be better to just ship us those boxes and we can sort you out here. It makes me sad as it's an event I've been looking forward to, especially with all the new cards added to Legacy in the past few months, but I understand where Card Merchant is coming from and it is what it is :(

For the rest of you, something we do that you may not know about. If you have a box of cards that you want to trade in, but putting together a buylist has been too much effort, you can just send us your box, we'll do all the pricing and let you know what the total comes to. Cash, Credit, or a mix of both. Whatever you need :)

With the issue listed at the start of this post, it can sometimes take us a little bit longer to source funds if cash is what you are after, but it usually shouldn't take longer than a week.

With the lack of events at the moment we are really missing the opportunity to come and trade in person, hopefully that will pick up in the new year :)

- Rose Willis

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