Your Bi-Weekly Update with Willis 28-08-2023

So one of things I've done from time to time in the past few months is add a collection I think might be useful to you all when visiting the website. There are a few that I've added that those of you who don't regularly check that section of our website might of missed.

I'll go through them one by one, but there's one I really want to talk about in a more general sense so you'll see that one at the end.

There's 3 collections I consider new at this time. Tokens, Promo Pack, and Uncommons.

Our token section is very small at the moment, but now that we've got that collection set up we will take the time to put new tokens into the store.

Promo Pack is important, because for some silly reason the cards opened in Promo Packs won't show up in our Decklist feature of our website. I remember a Promo Pack Guardian Project that was in our store for so long because no-one knew we had it, including myself. I think I may have even built a new Commander Deck, gone into Decklist, see that we didn't have any and bought one from somewhere else.

So yeah, if you can't find a card in Decklist but it's had a Promo Pack printing it might be worth checking the Promo Pack collection.

Lastly is Uncommons. I really like Uncommons and I find them possibly the most interesting rarity to flick through, especially when building a new deck. A lot of Commons can end up being card we've done 100 times before, and a lot of Rares can just end up being the latest shiny Dragon or Angel.

Uncommons feel to me like the meat of a sets identity and as such you find cards there that you don't really see anywhere else, but are often overlooked because they fall between Commander players often looking at the most powerful rares, and Pauper players looking only at the commons.

I find that Uncommons can be powerful and interesting, but often in ways you never see at other rarities. I like them a lot. It also shows a lot about how Wizards has designed and powered cards over the years.

You may well not agree with me, but the collection is there to look at if you wish to.

See you all next week,

- Rose Willis

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