Cards cards cards cards, Oh! so many cards :P. You may have noticed the near conflux of new cards making it's way into the store recently. On a good day we very rotate over half of the cards in the Latest Restock section, on a bad day there's still a bunch of new stock. You might be forgiven for thinking we are almost done. We still have about 6000 individual cards to add to the store.
And because of the way it was picked up it's not like we've added in all the high value cards and what's left is lower value cards, or we've added all the old cards and what's left is new cards. It's a giant mix of stuff and rather than sorting it we've decided that it's just better to start at one end of a box and get cards graded and into the store. Finish that box and start another one.
A quick sidenote, the store probably won't be getting any orders out on the Monday that this come out. David is taking a sick day to recover from TI finals, and I've overworked myself over the last week, and have started to come down with a couple of cold like symptoms, so there's a high chance I also take the day off to recover before diving back in on Tuesday.
Black Friday is less than a month away, and yes we will be running a sale. This year it will be a sale on foils excluding the recently released Brothers War set.
Speaking of which, I'm loving all the old border cards, and there's a bunch I'm going to be looking for (personal use) as the set comes out. So far that's:
4 Lodestone Golem
2 Wurmcoil Engine
1 Staff of Domination
Although I'm hoping at the very least there will also be a Blightsteel Colossus too. I'm not looking for Blueprint art. OG art only :).
Anyways, that me this week,
- Rose Willis